Friday, February 13, 2009

Color of Life

Life is not about the way u find a happiness. Once u lost other happiness u get another happiness. Life is not about to decide our choice or not to have any choices. Obviously, life is not same like a film. Quite, screaming, crying, laughing and hiding doesn't make u can run away from the pain that u feel it. The important of life is not just ur objective but is a about ur journey. Dare to through it or dare to letting go...

* Lately, my mind just can't thinking well. My life just spontaneously happen. No steady future thinking. A lots of people, friend n everyone who take a good care of me doesn't agree with what i've decided for my journey life. When i started a word to say about what i'm gonna do in my life after this.

My journey life just go on spontaneously without any plan. I know what words came out from their big mouth. Everyone give the same words, same thinking. But it doesn't matter for me and it doesn't mean i don't care about what they've said. Just take a positive side, probably and absolutely they're right.

In this moment, im really happy what my life just go through and bring me as far. Even i have faces too many problem and obstacle to get what i wanna do. Thanx god always beside me. I hope u guys still with me too. Still standing besides me. Pray for me. For the good and great thing...

I love all people who used to have in my life coz u guys had colered my life from colorless to wonderful color i ever had..



  1. lebui 2... hehhe bgus lar elis if cm 2 be your self... hasilkan tlisan2 ko yg mnarik ko dew bkat p bg aku ko perlu lbih bergerak pantas.. sbb skank bnyk saingan... sme gak cm music...p ko kne hasilkan bnde yg berkualiti r not kuantiti ok.. so truskan aper yg d usaha oleh mu... -oy4-

  2. Alice...Alice..Alice...

    I think I'm the one who always lecture you...

    I remember I said..don't make your life spontaneous, life need a plan... u shouldn't do this...shouldn't do that...and many more.

    I believe I'm one of the people around you...insists you to further studies...

    Just like mother neglect her daughter...even I'm a man....

    We gone through form 6 together with other friends... till you decided to do part time job...and finally you refused to go to school...then after form 6... we went to segi and go to find college in Sepang..I forgot the name...just to make you can further your studies.

    I don't have any hidden agenda....I just want my friends success in their life..

    After all I'm your friend.. day I realize...every human have different life..

    Every human have different way to success...

    We are not born to follow what people say...we are born to create our own life...

    Then I stop....because...

    I're special...between you and I...we're different...between you and Lina...different way of life...same goes between you and other people...different

    I know what to do with your life...

    I wish you luck....

    Colour your life with your heart and soul....

  3. betul cakap jon.
    supposely like cikgu sekolah selalu cakap.we have to plan our future.
    belajar kt mane besar nnt?kerja ape besar nnt?gaji byk mane besar nnt?

    tp it all up to you sebenarnya.
    sometimes what we plan does not comply with what we had.
    mcm ko plan nak amik music den bole jd penyanyi besa nnt tp ko xde talent.

    sebenarnya plan it just a back up for u to atleast guide where are u going to be next.

    tp at the end of the day, kita yang kene determine sendiri what are we going to be next.

    -ila jelita-
    p/s: tggu blog aku k.hehe.
